Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm Back.....

After being absent from this blog for several months, I've decided to return to it with a new vigor! What is to follow on this blog is a collection of my random thoughts. Subject matter may include anything from my critiques on a recent movie to my philosophical perspective on life to a synopsis of a crazy day. I anticipate writing on this blog at least once a week, like clockwork. There's always a million random things floating around in my head, and my hope is to start getting some of them down in writing. Unfortunately, I don't practice this art enough....but I'm going to make my best effort to start. I have a lot of things to say, and a lot of insight to provide. There are things I want to accomplish with this blog, that go beyond just a random outpouring of thoughts. I look forward to sharing my ideas with you, and my hope is to not only entertain my followers, but start to put certain goals into action.

Peace and love,